2023 SC Outdoor Press Association Award Winners

The South Carolina Outdoor Press Association gathered in Lake Murray Country for their annual conference and banquet Oct. 4 – 7. During the banquet, the organization named their Excellence in Craft award winners, which are listed here:

Best outdoor Blog

1: Brian Carroll “Santee Cooper Life” https://santeecooperlife.com/

2: Mike Watts “Rivers and Feathers” https://riversandfeathers.com/

Best Outdoor Audio

1: Pete Rogers “Christian Outdoors Podcast: Episode 176, Turn Your Life Around” https://www.christianoutdoors.org/?s=Turn+your+life+around

2: Brian Cope “New State Record fish and CWD impact on Carolina hunters”


3: Brian Cope “ Is North Carolina’s elk population native to the state?”  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/is-north-carolinas-elk-population-native-to-the-state/id1499066317?i=1000593029918

Best Outdoor Book

1: Whit Gibbons, “Salleyland: Wildlife Adventures in Swamps, Sandhills, and Forests” https://www.uapress.ua.edu/9780817360641/salleyland/

2: Jim Casada “Lords of the Veldt & Vlei” https://www.sportingclassicsstore.com/collections/africa/products/lords-of-the-veldt-vlei-deluxe-edition

3: Jim Mize “The Jon Boat Years” https://uscpress.com/The-Jon-Boat-Years

Bob Glendy Award (Best Fishing Story)

Jim Casada “A Murderer as a Mentor: The Strange Saga of Old Al” https://blindpigandtheacorn.com/a-murderer-as-a-mentor-the-strange-saga-of-old-al/

Terry Madewell Award (Best Hunting Story)

Jim Casada “Fred Selous: Heart of Steel” https://sportingclassicsdaily.com/fred-selous-heart-of-steel/

Best Magazine Story (1000 words or less)

1: Jim Casada “Memories of Butchering Hogs” https://www.smliv.com/api/amp/food/memories-of-butchering-hogs-an-excerpt/

2: Pete Rogers “Smaller is Better in the Muzzleloading world” Minnesota Deer Hunter Association Magazine (Winter 2022)

3: Terry Madewell “Beat the Mid Summer Blues” https://www.carolinasportsman.com/fishing/freshwater-fishing/catfish/beat-the-midsummer-blues-by-catfishing-at-night/

Best Magazine Story (Over 1000 words)

1: Terry Madewell “Santee’s Springtime Slabs” https://www.carolinasportsman.com/fishing/freshwater-fishing/crappie-bream/santees-springtime-slabs/

2: Cindy Thompson “Land of the Pines” South Carolina Wildlife Magazine July/August 2022

3: Cindy Thompson “A River Reborn” South Carolina Wildlife Magazine March/April 2023

Best Outdoor Newspaper Article

1: Whit Gibbons “Corn Snakes make colorful windshield wipers” http://archive-srel.uga.edu/outreach/ecoviews/ecoview230521.htm

2: Whit Gibbons “Okeefenokee Joe” https://www.tuscaloosanews.com/story/opinion/columns/2023/01/21/okefenokee-joe-was-a-great-naturalist-ecoviews/69810413007/

3: Josh Lanier “Wanderlust” https://greercitizen.com/sports/wanderlust

Best Electronic Publishing Story

1: Larry Chesney “No fishing in your pajamas” https://riversandfeathers.com/no-fishing-in-your-pajamas/

2: Jim Casada “Did you ever?” https://www.smliv.com/api/amp/stories/a-look-back-at-the-mountain-past/

3: Corey Hunt “Simple 7’s: Fishing Glacier National Park” (no link available)

Best Conference Site Story

1: Terry Madewell “Take a Swipe at Stripers” https://www.carolinasportsman.com/fishing/freshwater-fishing/striper-freshwater-fishing/deep-thinking-for-santee-stripers/ 

2: Larry Chesney “Slow Drifting for Spring Cats” https://www.carolinasportsman.com/fishing/freshwater-fishing/catfish/slow-drifting-for-spring-cats/

3: Jim Mize “Almost a fly fishing story” https://riversandfeathers.com/almost-a-fly-fishing-story/

Author: Brian Cope

Brian Cope 5200 Borden Rd. Rembert, SC 29128 803-422-7626 brianc@carolinasportsman.com Brian Cope is a retired U.S. Air Force Combat Communications Specialist and has been writing about the outdoors since 2006. He received a B.A. in English Literature with a Concentration in Writing from the University of South Carolina. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, videography, and podcasting. Brian is the editor of Carolina Sportsman Magazine and CarolinaSportsman.com, and is host of The Sportsman Weekly Podcast.