The primary purpose of SCOPE shall be to improve knowledge and skill among its members in the art of communication. Through the written or spoken word and through illustration and photography, this Association shall also strive to increase public awareness, understanding and appreciation of our outdoor heritage in the use and enjoyment of natural resources.
To accomplish this purpose, we will support the best use and wise management of all natural resources. We likewise will strive to maintain the highest standards of professional competency and ethics in communicating
to our respective readers or audiences. In all we write, say, or do, we will strive to get the facts and to disseminate them in a thorough, fair and objective manner.
In the event this Association shall be dissolved, for any reason whatsoever, all remaining funds, equipment and assets, both real or having monetary value, shall be distributed to non-profit South Carolina conservation or wildlife management organizations as designated by the remaining officers and board members of SCOPE.