Captain John Gribb
Outdoor writer/Photographer
260 Distant Island Drive
Beaufort, SC 29907
843-252-7014 cell
I retired at age 50 from a major retail chain and began a second career in the outdoors. I held a USCG Captain’s license (six pack), was an Orvis endorsed salt water fly fishing guide for striped bass and bluefish on the Massachusetts coast before moving south to Beaufort in 2002. In South Carolina I fish inshore waters for redfish and trout, hunt and guide for preserve quail with my English Cocker Sissy and chase migratory birds and waterfowl. I have been writing professionally for 25 years specializing in inshore light tackle and fly fishing; fresh water bass fishing; upland bird hunting; waterfowl and migratory bird hunting and hunting dogs. I am a member of OWAA, SEOPA, and SCOPe. Married to Ann.