Home Phone 803-3372656
Cell – 803-338-0878
Email – tmadewell50@gmail.com
Freelancer writer, Photographer, Natural Resources Manager and I also dabble in Wildlife Management, Fisheries Management. Will occasionally do pubic speaking, but on very limited, specific, and top secret topics.
After 40 years in the outdoor communications world, still chugging away and enjoying it as much as ever. Have a degree in Fisheries/Wildlife Management and have fished and hunted since I was knee-high to a beagle hound. Actively fish for most freshwater species, but have a passion for targeting big catfish, but love bream, crappie, striper and black bass action. Love deer hunting, nurturing a growing a fondness for killing pigs, but wait quite impatiently for turkey season when all else in the outdoor world is prone to be forsaken. Love woodworking immensely, both flat wood and lathe turning, and still build the occasional turkey call. Have a passion for outdoor cooking, grilling, smoking and mostly eating finished products.
Married (Jacki) with six children with a big, and growing, litter of awesome grandkids!