Jim Mize
Email: jimmize1@cs.com
Website: www.acreektricklesthroughit.com
Profession : Writer – Outdoor Humor and Nostalgia
Jim Mize began hunting wild game with a camera because hunting seasons were too short. After gathering a few photos, he sold some to Virginia Wildlife Magazine and the editor suggested he would sell more if he wrote a story to go with them. A few years later, Jim submitted to Southern Outdoors a story with a humorous introduction and conclusion. The editor liked it but wanted the middle to be like the ends. Discovering a market for humor and nostalgia, Jim has been writing both for magazines, blogs, and books for over thirty years picking up a few awards along the way. His humorous books, The Winter of Our Discount Tent and A Creek Trickles Through It, both won SEOPA Excellence in Craft awards.
When outdoors, Jim is most likely to be wobbling down a trout stream with a fly rod, tangled up over his left shoulder in a hemlock, just moments away from an unplanned dunking. When the season is right, you might also find him sitting in the shade along a dove field bribing his grandkids with animal crackers to keep them near his stand. Though many would call these episodes mishaps and memories, Jim considers them field research for his next humor or nostalgia piece. Should you be in the need for a good laugh or want to contact Jim, you can do both through his website at www.acreektricklesthroughit.com.