Those interested in learning more about primitive and survival skills might be interested in a two-day seminar in March that will cover fire starting with bow drill and ferrocerium rod, flint knapping, water purification, cordage making from natural fibers, archery, atlatl and more.

Other skills such as cast iron cooking, trapping, campsite selection and many other valuable outdoor skills will be covered. For more details such as cost and registration information, location, etc.,  contact L. Woodrow Ross at or call 864-238-1944

Author: Brian Cope

Brian Cope 5200 Borden Rd. Rembert, SC 29128 803-422-7626 Brian Cope is a retired U.S. Air Force Combat Communications Specialist and has been writing about the outdoors since 2006. He received a B.A. in English Literature with a Concentration in Writing from the University of South Carolina. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, videography, and podcasting. Brian is the editor of Carolina Sportsman Magazine and, and is host of The Sportsman Weekly Podcast.